
“Wife, mother, friend, researcher, lecturer, writer, crafter, and book reviewer” reads the simplified overview from my twitter profile.  It is difficult to summarize a life in a tag line.

Wife and mother are my primary roles. I gain so much from my own family.  They are my support, my refuge, and my joy. A dedicated mother of three children means that I enjoy as much  downtime as possible with them. We love to go swimming,  geo-caching, play frisbee golf, or cards between running to various activities. The time is just flying by as they grow up and become fine young adults. On top of all this, I escape yearly with my husband to relax and focus on us. The best gift that you can give to your children is a solid relationship with your spouse.

I am also a dedicated researcher and lecturer. Mainly teaching Psychology, but also dipping into Biology topics. My training, administrative and research experience have helped to develop both theoretical and practical knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research. I love starting new projects and have dabbled in subjects from neuropsychopharmacology through early childhood education. A varied career path {laboratory technician, library technician, the first Research Grants Coordinator for UPEI, and a research coordinator} honed grant writing, editing, time management and organizational skills. It also taught me to work with individuals from a variety of faculties and schools with conflicting agendas. My husband tells me that people’s eyes glaze over when I outline my research so I will leave it at that.

When I am not relaxing with family or working, then I am knitting, writing, or reading. You can find me on as Cherylcan.  I love sharing my current knitting projects there. Much of my non-academic writing can be found at   The other spot where I discuss what I like to read is

I have been working with Rachelle Wood on a weight loss journey for the past number of months. She is amazing! I really need to develop an active interest rather than one that requires me to sit for long periods, so I decided to start this blog… smart I know.

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