Christmas Fellowship at Work

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Researcher for PEI Agriculture

There is nothing like a lunch time potluck to get me in the holiday spirit. Top it off with a smattering of snow and I am feeling great.

There is a holiday tradition at my workplace that the team celebrates together over lunch. I was told that it was a big deal but still was not ready for covered tables with Christmas centrepiecs, and music. Man these people can cook. I had a few excellent salads, some meat, and even gluten free dessert. I was able to enjoy the holiday meal without being too bad. Now, a couple of hours later, I am really appreciating my restraint. Although I am a bit sleepy from eating too much, I am feeling fine. Thank you to everyone for such an enjoyable day.

Merry Christmas!

Legislation Review

Researcher for PEI Agriculture, Uncategorized

I took a job with our provincial government in March. It came up suddenly and involved review of legislation. The money was good and it was with a Department that I always wanted to work for, so I took it. I must admit I did not think that I would actually enjoy it.

Research is research. I’ve worked in many academic departments using various research methodologies, but, I have never before worked for government. I have learned about new databases, such as CanLII, figured out why my neighbour, a farmer, keeps asking if I want to plant trees to obstruct my water view. In short, it’s been fun digging through databases, and literature to determine what is being done worldwide. Fun… at work… novel concept. This Monday I meet with the group to present what I have done. We will see if I had too much fun or if they like what they see.