Taking Time to Learn


I took a class with Ash Alberg last summer. It made me realize that I have so much to learn and what I have been producing needs lots of work. Ash was a great teacher but the course was way above where I was at. They were showing what we could do to set up photos properly and I was not even seeing the details that were being pointed out.  The overwhelming number of things I needed to do was rather paralyzing. Although I did manage to really flesh out who my ideal customer was, I did not do much else and practically stopped producing patterns. My photography was a real problem, and I needed glasses.

Fast forward a few months, I now have glasses and am sort of used to them. I needed to get back on track, so I started with podcasting once a month (more if I have time but taking the other weeks to do other parts of the business). Then I signed up for the PEI Crafts Council Business of Art series. It has been great to get me going on a formal Business Plan. We are on week three and it is going so well. I have a great group of colleagues to discuss what we have done with and help me with my confidence and solidifying my ideas.

Easter Monday, I took a class on photo editing from Len Currie of Len Currie Photography. He is self taught and the class was designed as a here is what is possible to do with an image. We even sent in samples and learned to edit our own work. He was great at making me feel that I could do this. I sent him a picture I took of a pair of socks I had knit. By the end of the class, I had a publishable picture just from the .jpg.


You can see the stitch detail and halo in the edited picture. I cannot wait to get to some of my old pictures (and pattern pictures).

I may be getting my mojo back.

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