My First Rhinebeck – Day 1

Entertainment, knitting, Rhinebeck, travel

Wow. The NY Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY was amazing and overwhelming. We got there early on Saturday October 15, 2016 because our traveling companion signed up for a class. We found the Mulberry Street entrance and parked there. Bev got to go in because she had a class, but the rest of us waited in line for tickets (for a few extra bucks buying online would have saved the wait). However, we met a lovely couple behind us and they offered to take our picture. I spent most of my time eyeing everyone’s knitwear. Even though it was supposed to warm up, we all had it on for the festival.

14707935_10157443536945411_4108918085956204717_oFirst, I waded through the crowd to the books because Fiona Alice was at the Pom Pom table. She was busy selling stuff and there were at least ten in the line ahead of me. I felt beseiged by so many people I did not know so it was better seeing someone I knew, even if I was not sure I would find her again. I was then able to actually look at the all the yarn.

Even just going through buildings A, B, and C gave me so many choices. I got a kit from Dirty Water Dyeworks to make The Joker and the Thief shawl. The orange and purple combination sold it for me. I could not even get close to Miss Babs or some of the other places I wanted to see. People were so close together, only some were polite about getting through the crowd. Shopping for Karen was a bit stressful, I found some yarn in the colours she wanted and bought it because I was afraid I would not get to the front of a line again. The yarn popped out at me at the time. But I should have hit the barns and saw everything once before buying. However, other people had said to pick up what you wanted when you saw it as if you wait and go back it would most likely be gone.

By noon I was ready for a bit of a break, so went to the Ravelry meet up. It was good in that I found my friends,  but did not really meet any new people. The crowd was crazy so we went to get food. Aba’s Falafel line was too long for me. I got an apple from the orchard, and we (Heather, Heather, & I) walked through the food building. There were giant whoopie pies and many other yummy desserts but we thought lunch should come first. As I was waiting in line for Greek food nature called so I braved the bathroom line up. It was long but moved quickly. When I got out of there I was not really hungry anymore so I went to the podcasters meet-up.

I was so excited to meet Lynne and Selma from Two Tangled Skeins. I watch their podcast so I felt like I know them because they talk to me every week about their knitting. They have never met me and only know my name because I sent them some stitch markers. I was so excited not sure that Lynne got a word in edgewise. I left to allow others to meet them too, but I did not want to. I wandered around the booths and shops for an hour or so. In a crowded building, I saw the Yarn Harlot. It was kind of funny for people who know how much I talk, but I got so tongue-tied seeing Stephanie that all I could say was I like your sweater. Reading her blog I felt like I watched her make it. As I walked away from her, I realized she had no clue who I was. Thinking about that (probably over-thinking about that) I got overwhelmed, so I found a seat and started to knit. I am not sure how long I was there when I saw Stephen West walk by with his entourage. He had on knit pants. It was really warm, but who am I to talk I had on my alpaca and merino shawl. Earlier in the day I even had my Knitter’s Mitts on.

Met my crew around three, they grabbed a beer and we went back to our cottage to relax. I was so wired it took a long time to settle down and sleep.
